
Please read these before buying pre-order models

1.Usually, the production cycle of the pre-order style is 7-9 weeks, and when it becomes the background of the wooden floor, the production cycle will be shortened to 3-5 weeks. (The production cycle of embroidery style needs another 3-4 weeks)

2. We recommend that you directly buy the pre-order models of the backboard background, because these are the factory will definitely produce.

3. When you place an order more than 2 weeks later, our factory has received no more than 1 piece of this order, we will contact you to replace it with other styles, but if you do not want to replace it, it will take a longer time.

4. We recommend ordering pre-order style, RTS style and custom style separately, so as to better deliver goods for you. But if you want to save on shipping, you can also order them together

5. When you order your  pre-order model and RTS model together, we offer two options for you to ship. First, we will ship for you when all the styles are ready. Second, we can ship the prepared styles for you first, and when the other styles are ready, these styles will be shipped together with your next new order, not separately. If you do not have a new order by then, you will pay for extra shipping.

6.The price of the pre-order model is cheaper, and when it becomes the RTS model, these prices will go up
